I'm a back-end Web Developer with 10 years in the beer business. As a partner of the business, I learned perseverance and how to work well with others. I also realized I wanted to pursue another passion of mine and build wonderful apps with tools such as React and JavaScript. In order to achieve this goal, I completed the Full Stack Bootcamp program through the University of Utah where I expanded my knowledge in additional skills, like html, css, and express framework. I believe my skills in leadership and team building, combined with my technical skills, make me an asset to any development team.
Welcome to Bitter! Where you can connect with friends and family and where your thoughts become bits! Go ahead and register, log in click on a user to follow them! Added March 10, 2021.
This app lets you create a account, log in and off and search for movies! You can also save and delete movies from your account as well as look for where to buy them! Added June 29, 2020. (This app is currently in development)
This is a employee directory. The app uses html/css, javascript, node, express and sequelize to keep track of your employees! Just add some info like first and last name, a wage and their department and into the database it goes! You can also sort by last name, wage and departments as well as edit, delete and search by last name. Added December 9, 2019.
The Greedy Bastard List is a web based gift registry application that allows a user to manage their personal wish list and to connect to other user’s wish lists.
This application uses html, css to visualize the page, and uses JavaScript to randomize a letter the user needs to guess correct. JavaScript also keeps track of the users score and number of guesses.
JavaScript chooses a random number at the start and the user tries to get to that number exactly, if the user goes over, it's a loss! There are four crystals and each crystal picks a random number at the start so at first the user doesn't know the value of each crystal until they click on it.
The object of this game is to answer as many questions as you can before the timer runs out! This application uses html, css and javascript. The javascript either at the end of the timer or when the user clicks the done button will check the users answers and calculate their score.
This application uses a api to get back information from the giphy website. User can enter anything like batman and a button will display. The user can click that button and giphy's will populate. The giphy's will be paused and the user can click on them to make them play. This application uses html, css and javascript.
This application lets the user put in their own train data like the name of the train and arrival times and frequency. Then when the user clicks add train, that information is then populated on a table and the javascript calculates when the next train will come in minutes. Technologies used are html, css, javascript, firebase and moment.
This is a back-end application that uses node.js and javascript with api calls. The user can use 3 different commands, "concert-this" and the name of the band, "spotify-this-song" followed by a song name, and "movie-this" followed by a movie name. Depending on which command they use, it will send out a api call to the appropriate api and return information regarding the search parameter.
This is a back-end application that uses inquirer and javascript with mysql database. It simulates amazon, the user runs the program and it will notify the user of available "stock" of certain items. The user can then decide what to buy and how many units and the application will calculate the inventory and costs of chosen items.
This is a full stack friend finder application that uses HTML, CSS, Body_Parser, Path, Express and Bootstrap. The user answers 10 questions and the back end will add up your score and match it with another profile and send back the users new "friend".
This full stack application lets users make their own burger and devour it. It uses mysql, html, css, express-handlebars, express and node.
This is a full stack application that uses html, css, sequelize, express and handlebars with node.js. The user can make and devour their burger. This application uses the sequelize database to store all the users hamburger information.
Basic math quiz. User can select addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. In the near future, will fix the division and subtraction to show better math problems, for example 4/3.
My daughter loves monkeys, so I made her a monkey, math game. The user needs to answer the questions correctly so the banana goes towards the monkey, but if the user gets too many wrong, the banana goes into the trash can! ZOIKS!
Simple grocery list app. You can add things to it, check that item off and you can delete the item if need be. Uses heroku with the jaws database.
Made a address book from a old project. A user can add a persons name, address and phone number. User can also edit and delete a entry.
This application I made uses sequelize to join two different tables. The user can add a person and their secret and a button will appear. To see that person's secret, the user can click on it. This app uses jquery, sequelize, express, node.js with some css.
Ever get tired of naming out places to eat with a friend, significant other or heck, just your self, and nobody can decide?? Say no more! Just enter in your choices and let this program pick for you!!